Directed by: Justin Knoepfel
Produced by: Lorian Gish
Starring: Katie Balen, Christopher Briney Director of Photography: Dan Rodriguez Assistant Director: Hayden Dabbs Gaffer: Deana M. Biagi
Editor: Justin Knoepfel
Sound Recordist: John Buckley Production Assistant: Sierra Nicole
Even in bed, When you’re asleep…You’re not safe.
“Under the Covers” explores the childhood fable of, there’s a monster under my bed, and the blankets will save me.
Longing for a good night’s sleep, Keyra would never expect something dark and sinister lurking underneath a place she always thought was safe…her own bed.
Important Notes:
“Under the Covers” is a low budget student production exploring a universal and primal fear…
The film is influenced by the sensibilities, and visualization of horror genre classics such as, Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages, the soundscape of John Carpenter, and an atmospheric mood that is inspired by the primal childhood mentality: “the monster can’t get you under the blankets,” playing on the false sense of safety.
Being a student production, the focus was set on carefully crafting the relationship between the environment and what about it is scary for an audience who at one time or another may have felt there may be an unknown presence hiding in the shadows.
The filmmaking process is one that the entire crew cherishes and is excited about, and the genre of horror allows for that passion and excitement to be explored in unique and terrifying ways that we are proud of.
Release Plans:
“Under the Covers” is currently in consideration to be featured in New York City and state film festivals such as the New York City Short Film Festival, NewFilmmakers NY, New York City Horror Film Festival, Update NY Horror Festival, and the Glasgow Horror Festival with the plans of public release after its festival circuit. The hope is for the film to relate to audiences on a universal and primal level and bring those back to their childhood fears.
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