We have a fresh new offering for our daily releases of our 2018 Women In Horror Month MASSIVE Blood Drive PSAs. Each year we get locked and loaded and embark on our mission to raise awareness for blood donation and convince audiences to endure just one more tiny prick. This year we have a new artist featured every day and then some as we have an amazing 30 filmmaking teams from across the world!
DISCLAIMER: This IS Horror, boys and grrls, so SOME of these do have VERY naughty content. Blood. Gore. EXTREME gore. Disturbing situations. Nudity. Sexual situations. Violence. Language.
If you are SENSITIVE to this kind of content, be a mature human being and just don’t watch. No need to spoil the fun for us fellow weirdos. We’re not hurting anyone. It just REALLY looks like we are 😉
We’re very happy to have a very talented Canadian and friend back with us, the wonderful Aleah Anseth. She’s a rarity in this business. Full of integrity and compassion that beautifully comes across in all her art. Really happy to have her back!
Let’s check it out!
“Sammy” by Aleah Anseth
Aleah Anseth is a filmmaker residing in Saskatchewan, Canada. She studied her craft in Vancouver, British Columbia where she produced, directed, and wrote multiple independent projects. Currently, Aleah has her own media company FRAGMENT MEDIA where her and her fiance use their skills as photographers and video professionals. Aleah continues to write and create independent film projects and hopes to run her own production company one day.
“When Jen and Sylvia asked to me to partake in their WHIM project again I was extremely humbled, nervous, but excited. It’s such a great way to test out my resources and creativity while bringing attention to such an important cause. As blood donations decline, I really hope having a month dedicated to bringing attention to this issue, we will see some brave people rolling up their sleeves, being a hero and saving lives.”
Look for a NEW WiHM Massive Blood Drive PSA every day with the last one appearing on March 1st.
For more on Women In Horror Month check out the official site at: http://www.womeninhorrormonth.com/