If you’ve landed on this contest please note that it has ENDED! However we will be having a new contest in the near future! Please monitor our social media accounts for announcements of when that will be! Thanks!!!
Over the past few months we have become big fans of the SFX makeup artists on Instagram. We’ve been reposting pictures we like in order to help share their work. Well now we decided it’s time to share their work on our site, and other social media accounts. To do that, we thought it would be fun to create a contest in order for SFX makeup artists to have their work promoted at PromoteHorror.com! Depending on the number of entries, we will be awarding up to 7 of our “Featured Promotions” to winners! One of those winners will get our “Featured Promotion for a Month.” If you don’t know what those promotions include, check out our “About” page, and see just how much you’re work will be shared on social media, and for free!
Contest details:
-We want to see three pictures of your SFX Makeup work. Please email them to us at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com with “SFX Horror Makeup Contest” in the subject line.
-We want to see some of your finest makeup jobs. The pictures should obviously be horror related. Scary faces are great, and faces with objects going through your eyes are even better. The more creative the better!
-We’re interested only in the makeup on your face (and neck). If you can make your arm look like it’s cut open that’s great, but that’s not what we’re judging. Also, full costume pictures are fine, but again we will be judging you on your face not the costume.
-No makeup videos please, only pictures! If you’re a lucky winner we will be happy to share your videos in the promotions.
-Also please include in the email any website, and/or social media accounts you may have so that we can verify the work is yours.
-Winners will be notified via email on June 30th, 2018! We will work out the promotion details with you at that point. Promotions should follow in early July!
-If you’re looking for examples of what we like, scroll through our Instagram account, and look for some of the pictures we have reposted!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: HorrO@PromoteHorror.com
Good luck!!!