Women in Horror Month is finally here, and it’s time for our WiHM interviews! Last year we had a tremendous response, and did more interviews than any of our previous years! If you’re a woman in horror & would like to be interviewed please email us for the questions at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com. The questions are open for every woman in horror… authors, directors, writers, actress, bloggers, podcasters, SFX makeup artist, etc. You’ll get to talk about WiHM, yourself, and even a chance to promote your current work!
Also, if you have a press release about a WiHM event please feel free to send it to us at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com. If you need a RT on Twitter for a WiHM event, blog post, podcast, or something you’re doing to celebrate feel free to tag us, share on our Facebook page, and/or tag us on Instagram for a repost!
We hope that you’ll take advantage of these opportunities and help us support WiHM!!!