As you may know, February is “Women in Horror” month. To celebrate, asked women from different professions if they would like to answer some questions about being a “Woman in Horror,” and more. One of those women, who was kind enough to answer our questions, was author Lyn Gibson. Lets see what she said about being a “Woman in Horror”…
-PH: When did you first become a horror fan?
-Lyn: Asking a true fan of the horror genre when they first became a fan, to me, is like asking anyone their favorite color! Horror is the “thing” that most attracts us, thrilling us by sating the palate of those that thrive on the bizarre, macabre and terrifying. Others, not unlike me, can endure everyday mundane tasks by envisioning something terrifying lurking in the shadows just beyond the laundry room door! It is that tinge of fear and adrenaline that motivates us best!
-PH: Was there a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to go from being a fan of horror to a woman who contributes to the genre, or did it just kind of happen naturally?
-Lyn: The moment I first decided to contribute to the horror genre was upon watching one of the “Twilight Saga” flicks. Don’t get me wrong, “Twilight” has a massive fan base and most of all, it encouraged our younger generation of horror enthusiasts to pick up a book and read! However, I was raised in the 80’s when Vampires were fierce, blood lusting creatures that fed from humans without remorse. After seeing these movies I decided that it was time to give the Vampire fangs again! I began by writing “Soul Mate” and had no intention of creating a series. Upon completing the novel, I realized that the story wasn’t finished. “Soul Mate” was then followed by “Fury” and “Legacy” and then “The Adrian Trilogy” Series was complete!
The series is based in modern day Louisiana for the most part but does travel back in time as well as far into the future. These Vampire depict the vicious side of the undead. They are cunning ancient creatures with the strength and abilities that a true Vampire has possessed since the first of the immortals was cursed by the Gods. The series is a 18 and over read as it is stocked full of both violence and Vampire erotica!
-PH: What does having a “Women in Horror” month mean to you?
-Lyn: Very few women in the horror genre have been given the opportunity to stand in the same spotlight as say, Steven King, Clive Barker or Dean Koontz. There is of course one of my favorites, Anne Rice, who inspired me to put pen to paper, so to speak. I’m not one to wave the flag of equal opportunities, I believe that your position within this genre must be earned. Having any opportunity to expose our work to a larger prospective fan base is always much appreciated! With that, I would like to thank you for opening the door for us to do so by promoting “Women in Horror” month!
-PH: Is there a woman in horror who you consider a role model?
-Lyn: As stated above, I adore Anne Rice and her work. Anne paved a road for many of us in the horror genre. But as far as being a role model, Anne’s writing is eloquent in my opinion. My style and contributions within the genre are drastically different! My works are macabre and bizarre, filled with demons, violence and bloodshed; the things found in our nightmares that should never be spoken of are alive and well between the pages of my novels! There is one actress that I would consider my favorite overall in horror, Kathy Bates. No one else comes to mind that is more flexible in displaying the entire spectrum of horror with just a shift of the eyebrow or steely glaring stare! Kathy can send chills up your spine no matter the character she portrays!
-PH: How do you think the role of women in horror has changed over the years?
-Lyn: That’s a no brainer! Women have gone from portraying the screaming, blubbering victims to being the bad ass heroine that no body messes with! Girl power! right! Milla Jovovich, Jamie Lee Curtis & Kate Beckinsale to name a few! These gals played powerful roles in some amazing horror flicks!
-PH: What do you think the future holds for women in horror?
-Lyn: Myself, being an author, I know that it typically takes years to see a novel get into the hands of a film producer. With that being said, there are some amazing women writers out there that are paving the roads for themselves. Someday, in the very near future, there will be just as many well know women in horror as there are men!
-PH: If you could serve a role in horror that you’ve never done, what would it be?
-Lyn: I’ve been writing for years. I have published 7 novels in the horror genre. I hold a position within the top 75 horror blogs and host a weekly pod cast, The Twisted Southern Horror Queen show, which has on average about 16k views per week. I make a few dozen appearances at horror and sci fi cons all across the U.S. every year as well. With that being said, I would love to act. More specifically, I would love to portray one of my characters in a movie!
-PH: Who is your favorite final girl, and favorite female villain?
-Lyn: My favorite final girl is Milla Jovavich, simply because she’s a bad ass! My favorite female movie villain would have to be Harley Quinn. I’m sure that’s no surprise. I dig her, she’s twisted!
-PH: Being that this is, please feel free to plug your current/next horror project.
-Lyn: See all of my “Twisted” work, find links to my blogs and social media and see photos from past appearances at
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Check out my show!
We would like to thank Lyn Gibson for taking the time to answer our questions, but more importantly for her contribution to horror!