Just in time for Halloween, Travel Channel’s biggest paranormal stars are sharing their ghostly picks for the season! These paranormal experts, explorers, researchers, investigators and psychic mediums have just about seen and experienced it all – from creepiest to craziest, haunted to harrowing. If you’re looking for THE BEST place to go on your own ghost hunt, the MOST HAUNTED city to visit for a creepy weekend getaway, or even just the SCARIEST horror movie to get you in the spirit, check out this ultimate Halloween Go-To Guide.
Plus, scream your way through October, as Travel Channel gets up close with the paranormal during its annual “Ghostober” programming event. Halloween reigns all month long as 31 days of fright-filled premieres take viewers on a spine-chilling adventure to the other side. A creepy mix of new series, specials and returning favorites conjure up a nightly treat for those looking for thrills and chills.
Favorite Scary Movie
“Bram Stoker’s Dracula.” – Zak Bagans (“Ghost Adventures”)
“13 Ghosts is my favorite and scariest. When the ghosts come at you so fast, it freaks me out!” – Aaron Goodwin (“Ghost Adventures”)
“I’m definitely a big fan of the classic slasher films like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and then the psychological horror films of Lars von Trier, Gaspar Noe and Micheal Hanke. But my favorite of all time has to be The Shining by Stanley Kubrick.” – Jay Wasley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Texas Chainsaw Massacre – The Beginning” – Billy Tolley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“When I was a kid, The Thing terrified me. The Aliens trilogy was absolute favorite. But now…I don’t watch scary movies. It freaks me out way too much.” – Jack Osbourne (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“A few of my favorites – Scream, Friday the 13th (the original) and Rosemary’s Baby. Also It and Fire in the Sky terrified me when I was a kid!” – Katrina Weidman (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“A real classic, The Night of the Living Dead is my all-time favorite. However in recent years I loved The Conjuring and Sinister. I believe those two movies were great suspense, scary movies that really got into my head.” – Dave Schrader (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“This is a tossup, for sure! Pet Cemetery 1989 is one of my favorites, but The Exorcist is probably the scariest.” – Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Movies these days seem to be more about jump scares than story lines. My scariest movies would be The Exorcist, The 1982 version of The Thing, the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” – Jason Hawes (“Ghost Nation”)
“Horror movies are my all-time favorite. I’m slightly obsessed. Maybe very obsessed. Favorite – Return of the Living Dead.” – Steve Gonsalves (“Ghost Nation”)
“Lon Chaney Sr.’s Phantom of the Opera.” – Dave Tango (“Ghost Nation”)
“My favorite horror film is probably The Shining. It terrified me as a child, (because my parents let me watch it, which probably explains a lot about me), but now I just find it to be a masterpiece of a film.” – Amy Bruni (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“There’s a place in my heart for fun and campy horror movies like Hocus Pocus, Death Becomes Her and Beetlejuice and old Hitchcock movies. However I do love a good psychological thriller…” – Adam Berry (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“The Exorcist. I first saw the film when I was in college and it was terrifying! Still is!!!” – Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“The Exorcist.” – Steve DiSchiavi (“The Dead Files”)
“I saw Black Christmas (1974) at a very young age and I never forgot it. This movie is SO overlooked. It inspired many classic horror movies to come. Nothing like a horror movie centered around Christmas.” – Dakota Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“Honestly, Paranormal Activity scared the heck out of me. It hit just a little too close to home for many reasons.” – Chelsea Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“Robert Eggers’ The Witch is a movie that I could not stop talking about after I saw it in theatres. I was captivated the whole way through. The score and the final scene, that’s when my mind was blown.” – Tanner Wiseman (“Destination Fear”)
“Past: Candyman, Present: The Conjuring” – Dalen Spratt (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
“Paranormal Activity” – Juwan Mass (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
Most Haunted City in America
“Virginia City, NV.” – Zak Bagans (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Los Angeles because of all the historical haunts.” – Aaron Goodwin (“Ghost Adventures”)
“There are so many good options, but I’d have to give a shout out to my home city of Philadelphia, there are so many iconic haunted locations, like Eastern State and Pennhurst just outside the city. You can walk through the old city area and feel the spirits still wondering the cobble stone roads.” – Jay Wasley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Virginia City, NV.” – Billy Tolley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Easy, New Orleans.” – Jack Osbourne (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“I always say New Orleans is the only place I’ve been to where I think if you removed every single person living there, the city would still have a pulse. There’s something breathing in that city. Is it the most haunted? I don’t know, but I certainly know of enough haunted locations and heard of enough experiences that could definitely win NOLA that claim.” – Katrina Weidman (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“Savannah, Georgia, and New Orleans, Louisiana seem to be the two I have personally visited and found to be very active and filled with history and mystery in diverse ways.” – Dave Schrader (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“I think Savannah, GA and New Orleans, LA are a close tie.” – Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Savanah, Georgia, and Gettysburg, PA.”– Jason Hawes (“Ghost Nation”)
“St. Augustine, FL.” – Steve Gonsalves (“Ghost Nation”)
“New Orleans, LA.” – Dave Tango (“Ghost Nation”)
“This one is tough because that’s so hard to quantify. Every town has their ghosts, but New Orleans wins hands down for me. I love it, but even walking the streets during the day, I never feel quite at ease. I always feel like something unseen is watching me there.” – Amy Bruni (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“This is difficult but I think Salem, Savannah and New Orleans are all in the running.” – Adam Berry (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Savannah, GA.” – Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“All of Ohio.” – Steve DiSchiavi (“The Dead Files”)
“From my own personal experience, I would say Virginia City in Nevada or Charleston, South Carolina. I still have a handful of cities I’d love to explore.” – Dakota Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“I can’t pick just one city specifically, but all I can say is from previous experiences, is that the east coast is bursting at the seams with haunted locations.” – Chelsea Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“I haven’t been to enough places to make this call, but I think anywhere on the east coast is a safe bet.” – Tanner Wiseman (“Destination Fear”)
“Definitely New Orleans.” – Dalen Spratt (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
“Savannah, Georgia.” – Juwan Mass (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
Best Place in the U.S. for a Ghost Hunt
“The Queen Mary.”- Zak Bagans (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Zak’s haunted museum. It has everything that’s the scariest and most haunted objects.” – Aaron Goodwin (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Virginia City, Nevada is the perfect place for a ghost hunt because it’s literally like stepping back in time. Every building in this town is haunted and the spirits never disappoint.” – Jay Wasley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Virginia City, Nevada.” – Billy Tolley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“I guess it depends on what kind of location you are looking for. Most states have their gold star ghost hunts, for me anyplace that isn’t freezing or damp is always my favorite. Be it, those are few and far between in the ghost hunting world. I think Trans-Allegheny was pretty freaky, because it’s so big and has such an ominous feeling.” – Jack Osbourne (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“I guess it depends on what you’re looking for as far as a ghost hunt, but I really do love Trans- Allegheny. That place is a wild place and each time I’ve investigated it’s been so different.” – Katrina Weidman (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“The Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN has always been a hotspot of high strangeness.” – Dave Schrader (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“The Lumber Baron Inn in Denver, CO.” – Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia PA.” – Jason Hawes (“Ghost Nation”)
“Waverly Hills in Louisville, KY, mostly for the high frequency of activity and the grizzly history.” – Steve Gonsalves (“Ghost Nation”)
“Gettysburg, PA.” – Dave Tango (“Ghost Nation”)
“There are so many, how much time do we have? I’d have to say my favorite place to investigate in the US is the Belvoir Winery and Inn, (the Odd Fellows Compound), in Liberty, Missouri. The reason being, you have a complex of very haunted rundown buildings consisting of an old hospital, a morgue, a nursing home, a cemetery and an orphanage. BUT the Orphanage has been completely renovated and turned into an event space, winery and beautiful inn. So you can spend your night investigating in some of the most terrifying buildings imaginable, then walk on over and snuggle into your big fluffy bed with a great glass of wine. The place was basically made for me.” – Amy Bruni (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“I prefer a haunted hotel… sleep where you investigate… Mt Washington is one of the best but I also love Waverly Hills!” – Adam Berry (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Gettysburg, PA.” – Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Cruise ship.” – Steve DiSchiavi (“The Dead Files”)
“There’s this old abandoned sanatorium in Virginia called St. Albans Sanatorium that absolutely scares the hell out of me every time I’ve explored it.” – Dakota Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“I have befriended the owner and staff at Madison Seminary in Ohio. You will not only get an incredible ghost hunting experience there, but you will love the people who are so passionate at what they are doing.” – Chelsea Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“There is a place called Hill View Manor in New Castle, PA. Where the gang and I all got so scared we had to leave the building mid-way through our overnight.” – Tanner Wiseman (“Destination Fear”)
“Anywhere where people have died. I tend to prefer beach vibes.” – Dalen Spratt (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
“Since people die everywhere, I’d say warmer climates. Searching for cold spots while you’re cold doesn’t sound very effective.” – Juwan Mass (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
Favorite Halloween Costume as a Kid
“Dracula.” – Zak Bagans (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Whatever I could find in the house and made a costume of it. The sheet ghost was my go-to mostly.” – Aaron Goodwin (“Ghost Adventures”)
“I remember enjoying dressing up as Charlie Chaplin, I was him for a few Halloweens.” – Jay Wasley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“U.S. Army soldier.” – Billy Tolley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“When I was 19 I went as David Bowie from Labyrinth. I hired a costume stylist that worked for a film studio and absolutely killed it. I even had a glass ball.” – Jack Osbourne (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“I had great costumes when I was growing up because my Mom would make all of them! One year I was a bat and she sewed an oversized black turtleneck with wings and sequins. Another time I was a Genie and she made the coolest pink sparkle outfit for me. I can’t remember one year we didn’t have great costumes.” – Katrina Weidman (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“I would have to say my two favorite costumes were The Lone Ranger and Batman.” – Dave Schrader (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“I wrapped my whole body in Duct tape one year and was “Duct Tape.” Not the brightest idea. It was really hard to take off.” – Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Never had any favorites while I was a kid. It wasn’t until I became of a father of girls that changed. Every year at least one of them would have me assume the identity of The Beast and one would always be Beauty.” – Jason Hawes (“Ghost Nation”)
“My mom turned me into a mummy when I was about 10, I loved that costume.” – Steve Gonsalves (“Ghost Nation”)
“It wasn’t really when I was a kid, but I was a Victorian chair.” – Dave Tango (“Ghost Nation”)
“I have a photo of me at five years old in my Kindergarten Halloween parade dressed as a green zombie with blood pouring out of my mouth. Everyone around me is dressed as cowboys, transformers, princesses…and there’s me. That one is probably my favorite.” – Amy Bruni (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“For sure a Vampire! I was a vampire many many times. Still a favorite as an adult.”– Adam Berry (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Fireman. Although Raggedy Ann is a close second.” – Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Mummy.” – Steve DiSchiavi (“The Dead Files”)
“I was Batman on three separate Halloweens. I think it’s safe to say this was my favorite costume. As a kid, I was a big fan of the Tim Burton Batman movies.” – Dakota Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“A Doctor!” – Chelsea Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“I was a Blues Brother with a buddy of mine. Every time we rang the doorbell we’d dance and start singing “Soul Man.” We scored a bunch of candy that year.” – Tanner Wiseman (“Destination Fear”)
“My mom would ONLY allow me to dress up as “Kris Kross.” I could only wear my clothes backwards.” – Dalen Spratt (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
“To my recollection, I only had one Halloween costume as a kid. I believe it was a clown. Typically, my mother wouldn’t allow me to dress up for Halloween.” – Juwan Mass (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
Which Celebrity Would You Like to Take on a Ghost Hunt
“I’d rather take a die-hard Ghost Adventures fan.” – Zak Bagans (“Ghost Adventures”)
“The crew from the TV show Supernatural. They need to see what real investigations are.” – Aaron Goodwin (“Ghost Adventures”)
“I guess you can call him a celebrity, but he’s no longer living. I always thought it would be amazing to ghost hunt with Aleister Crowley. He was definitely able to tap into other realms and I would love to be able to just sit in and observe one of his seances/rituals and then ghost hunt with him.” – Jay Wasley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Morgan Freeman.” – Billy Tolley (“Ghost Adventures”)
“Joe Rogan. I think it’d be a blast.”– Jack Osbourne (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“Do you even have to ask? Betty White.” – Katrina Weidman (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Portals to Hell”)
“I would love to and be honored by getting the chance to do an investigation with Dan Aykroyd who happens to be a huge fan of Hans Holzer. Mr. Aykroyd has a long family history going back a few generations of paranormal investigators and researchers in his family.” – Dave Schrader (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Cardi B, for sure!” – Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Dan Aykroyd. He’s a huge Paranormal buff and I’d love to throw around different concepts and hear his views and thoughts.” – Jason Hawes (“Ghost Nation”)
“Dan Aykroyd or Bruce Campbell.” – Steve Gonsalves (“Ghost Nation”)
“This is tough. Laurel and Hardy if I had a time machine. Present day celebrity, I’d say Tom Hanks.” – Dave Tango (“Ghost Nation”)
“I would love to investigate with Dan Aykroyd. He is descended from a long line of spiritualists and actually has some serious in-depth knowledge of the history of the paranormal field. I don’t know that he does or has done any investigating recently, but it sure would be fun to chat with him.” – Amy Bruni (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Oooooh someone like Stephen King or RL Stine… I would love to take them into our world for a minute.” – Adam Berry (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Derek Waters, the host of Drunk History. He loves the paranormal and is a total blast to hang out with!” – Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits” and “Haunted Salem: Live”)
“Sherriff Jodie Mills from Supernatural.” – Steve DiSchiavi (“The Dead Files”)
“I feel like both Billie Eilish and Rezz would be a lot of fun to explore a haunted abandoned building with” – Dakota Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“ELLEN DEGENERES – she is ALWAYS scaring people and I love every second of it, but I would love nothing more than to see her attempting to sleep in one of these haunted locations by herself. This would be incredible.” – Chelsea Laden (“Destination Fear”)
“I think it would be a blast with Joe Rogan. There would be some awesome conversations and some really funny moments.” – Tanner Wiseman (“Destination Fear”)
“Rihanna. Definitely Rihanna. Listen, even if it’s the only way I’m going to get a date with her!” – Dalen Spratt (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)
“I bet Dalen says Rihanna. So I might as well make it a double-date investigation. I would like Karrueche to join me.” – Juwan Mass (“Haunted Salem: Live” and “Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”)