10/31 Part II is the second installment of the popular Halloween themed anthologies that taps the best directors, actors and composers from the indie film world and brings them all together to make one terrifying feature.
Premiering on Demand and Digital August 13 from Terror Films, the film stars Jennifer Nangle, Anastasia Elfman, David E. McMahon, Tim Robinson, Rhema Srihartiti and London Grace.
10/31 Part II on Demand and Digital now from Terror Films.
-PH: How long have you been on the filmmaking game for, Rocky?
-Rocky: I’ve been directing music videos since 2012 and Producing and Directing for film since 2016.
-PH: You were a major player of the online horror community before that, I believe?
-Rocky: I was doing horror film reviews for a little bit and doing horror inspired music for a long time.
-PH: When and how did you make the transition into film?
-Rocky: I had always wanted to do it but didn’t really know how to actually make it happen. Working with Justin Seaman on The Barn helped me figure out how it could be done on a small indie budget and it took off from there.
-PH: Anything you learnt doing the first 10/31, that you intentionally didn’t do this time around?
-Rocky: Nothing that I can think of. The first one was such a pleasure to make really, if all the films we do are made like that I am happy with that.
-PH: Tell us who you have directing these installments?
-Rocky: Tory Van Buskirk, Drew Marvick, Stephen Wolfe and Max Groah.
-PH: Are you already thinking of ideas for the next chapter?
-Rocky: We are almost done with pre production on Part 3 and it will be out in 2022.