CRAWLIES is a german creature-horror-comedy shortfilm in the making.
The film is inspired by movies like GHOULIES or BASKET CASE and is done with all practical effects, including miniatures, handpuppets, Stop Motion and more.
You can see lots of behind the Scenes stuff on our Instagram-page: @crawlies__
The story goes about a heavy metal festival which takes place on an old ritual-ground. As one of the bands perfom an anccient ritual they happen to awaken the CRAWLIES.
Chaos and mayhem ensues as the little bastards starts to terrorize the guests of the festival.
Our short movie gives a small idea of whats going on, showing an episode happening during the bigger Events.
We hope to get the possibilities to make the whole story into a feature length film, sometime in the future.
But even though as a shortfilm it gives you a full little story that fans of little rubber monsters hopefully might enjoy!