Genre specialist Black Mandala presents the psychological horror movie, “WOLVES”, directed by Danny Dunlop and inspired by real events. The film was selected in Cinequest Film Festival, Dances with Films, Regina International Film Festival and Awards, Atlanta Horror Film Festival, Portland Film Festival, Forest City Film Festival, Windsor International Film Festival, Salen Horror Film Festival; and nominated for “BEST FIRST FEATURE 2023” Award by the Canadian Screen Awards, the canadian “Oscars”.
Critic said:
“The sense of isolation is almost relentless, from the snow-covered streets to the man’s bare apartment and his almost hermitic existence. Beautifully shot and masterfully edited by Dunlop…Wolves is a bewildering genre film and highly recommended”. (Horror Fuel).
“The prevailing melancholy that sears every frame with its hot spiky spines makes the film scarier than your average psychological thriller… This is one of the most disturbing movies of the year so far”. (Film Threat).
When a young social recluse stumbles onto a series of unsolved cold cases he finds himself pulled deeper into society’s dark underside and must face his own demons to learn the truth.
Stars: Mark Nocent, Jake Raymond, Allan Dobrescu, Hugh Wilson and Rod Keith.
Director: Danny Dunlop
Script: Danny Dunlop
Cast: Mark Nocent, Jake Raymond, Allan Dobrescu, Hugh Wilson, Rod Keith.
Cinematography: Danny Dunlop
Music: Danny Dunlop, Rachael Johnstone, Janice Kwan
Producers: Danny Dunlop, Franklin Eugene, Warren Dean Fulton, Taylor Re Lynn, Jake Raymond. Charles Solomon Jr., Ty Tatum, Kevin Tuck, Rajiv Whabi.
Associated Producers: Nicolás Onetti, Michael Kraetzer