Science-fiction anthology, Tales from the Apocalypse, featuring segments directed by the likes of Thomas Wilson Brown, Damon Duncan, and Gabriel Kalim Mucci, has been acquired by Uncork’d Entertainment for a July 2023, release.
Stories within Tales from the Apocalypse include one on an engineer circling a black hole in a pod, a 14-year-old girl and her father on the return journey to earth when an explosion cripples their aircraft, and a self-conscious Artificial Intelligence goes to the 4th dimension to fix humans future.
“The sci-fi equivalent of Creepshow or Trick R’Treat, Tales from the Apocalypse is a very imaginative, thrilling, and at times even quite scary assortment of stories from some very talented filmmakers.” said Keith Leopard, President Uncork’d Entertainment. “There’s great work here by Brown, Duncan, Mucci as well as Lin Sun, Susie Jones, and William Hellmuth.”
Rachel House, Jacqueline Joe, Jiao Xu, Arthur Roberts, Katie Simmons, Levi Payne, Steph Barkley, Thomas Wilson Brown star in Tales from the Apocalypse, on Digital and DVD July 4.
About Uncork’d Entertainment
Uncork’d Entertainment was founded in July, 2012 by Keith Leopard, a Home Entertainment industry veteran with more than 23 years of experience in purchasing, acquisitions, merchandising, marketing and analysis of major studio and independent supplier to the home entertainment market.
The Company focuses on distribution in six areas: Digital Media, Physical Home Entertainment, Aggregation, Theatrical and Television, Foreign Sales, and has secured relationships across all platforms to ensure your film reaches the widest audience possible.
Keith and his team are committed to maximizing revenue, controlling costs, and assuring their Content Partners the highest quality of service, a commitment to market and merchandise their film and a rewarding experience by partnering with Uncork’d Entertainment.