Following their critically-acclaimed comedy Text & Delete at the King’s Head and Etcetera Theatre, In Her Element Theatre Company presents a very different kind of show this Halloween, with SABBATH: a spooky story of devilry and deceit inspired by the real-life testimonies of the North Berwick witch trials.
All Hallows’ Eve: 1590. By the light of a half-moon, a group of women gather in secret in the shade of a ruined kirk. What transpired between them that night would set the kingdoms of Scotland, England, and soon all of Europe, alight with terror. For another was said to be among them: a dark figure, perched atop a barrel, with a black book, cloven hooves, and horns.
The play follows Agnes Sampson, a midwife, and Gillis Duncan, a maidservant, who are jailed after an All Hallows’ Eve festival and must defend themselves before the court of King James VI. Agnes and Gillis were real historical figures who were arrested at the beginning of a witch-hunting craze that resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 women.
SABBATH is written by Gavin Fleming, who has previously penned the acclaimed plays The Q (★★★★★, Theatre and Tonic), The Barnes Slasher (★★★★, The Reviews Hub), and The Party (nominated for an Offie Award in its Camden Fringe run). In collaborating with In Her Element Theatre Company, Gavin casts new light on a little-known part of British history, which has much to say about religious oppression, the persecution of women, and the spread of superstition in the guise of science.
SABBATH will be playing at the OSO Arts Centre in Barnes from the 31st of October until the 5th of November.
Previous praise for In Her Element productions:
‘a wonderful new piece of writing’ (Theatre and Tonic, ★★★★)
‘Strong acting and great chemistry’ (London Fringe Theatre Reviews, ★★★★)