The iconic Golden Globe winning and Oscar nominated actor who led the Alien franchise to success with her portrayal of Ripley closes out the production of the 4-hour documentary experience with a brand-new, candid interview about James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’.
Recounting her history-making portrayal of the bad-ass, gender-breaking protagonist of Aliens, Sigourney Weaver joins the Aliens Expanded documentary to discuss her character Ripley. In a candid, brand-new interview discussion with director Ian Nathan, Weaver shares untold experiences from the set of Aliens, how Ripley’s world evolved in the sequel, and how the film has become a science-fiction classic.
“Having Sigourney Weaver join Aliens Expanded is a crowning achievement,” says writer-director Ian Nathan. “Ripley is the heart of the film, the heart of the story, and Sigourney gave one of the defining performances of her career in Aliens. With her wonderful memories and thoughts, this documentary serves as the essential companion to the Alien universe. It is an honour to work with Sigourney, and I can’t wait for everyone to see what she brings to the documentary!”
Sigourney Weaver’s portrayal of Ripley is considered one of the greatest characters in science-fiction, known for challenging gender roles in genre films and for changing the course of film history. The role of Ripley in Aliens also earned Weaver her first Academy Award nomination, a landmark achievement given the fact that the Academy had given little recognition to science-fiction and genre films.
“Ripley is a history-making character who changed the game in genre film,” says Robin Block, CEO of CREATORVC and producer of Aliens Expanded. “We are thrilled to welcome Sigourney Weaver into the fold of the documentary, joining her colleagues James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, Paul Reiser and more. With her addition to the film, we are certain that fans will find Aliens Expanded to be the definitive documentary on the history-making film that changed cinema.”
For more info about Aliens Expanded, go to
An independent producer of community-powered entertainment: long-form factual content that is funded, inspired, and shaped by a dedicated community of fans. CREATORVC documentary projects include the critically acclaimed In Search of Darkness ‘80s trilogy; In Search of Tomorrow; In Search of the Last Action Heroes; FPS: First Person Shooter; and the upcoming In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994. For more information go to
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