The sequel to the movie “The red book ritual” titled “The red book ritual 2: The gate of Hell,” has completed its filming in locations around Asunción. This marks the beginning of a series of collaborations aimed at making Paraguay a hub for horror film production and boosting the work of local talents who have long been developing projects related to horror and thriller genres.
The project, entirely shot in English and primarily aimed at the English-speaking market, stars local talents Mario Martí, Lizzie Gómez, Tainá Lipinski, Matías Miranda, Lucía Báez, and Bianca Vacchetta.
Behind the project are the companies Black Mandala Films, which produced the first part of the aforementioned feature film and is led by producer Michael Kraetzer (New Zealand) and Argentine director Nicolás Onetti (“What the Waters Left Behind,” “Abrakadabra”), as well as Urban Achievers S.A. (Paraguay), headed by René Ruiz Díaz.
The team responsible for the highly anticipated horror film includes the crew that carried out the national films “Morgue” and the upcoming “No Entres.”
The movie “The red book ritual” was distributed in more than 100 countries and had wide distribution on platforms. The story revolves around a group of people who gather in an impressive mansion, the scene of a past massacre, to perform the ritual of the ‘Red Book.’ With the help of spirits, they attempt to reconnect with their deceased loved ones.
The production is scheduled to release this wild horror movie in the first half of 2025.