Welcome to PromoteHorror.com and thank you for your interest in our promotions. Our goal is to bring creators of horror and horror fans together. We want to help promote your films, books, blogs, websites, artwork, photography, stores, conventions, events, podcasts, crowdfunding campaigns, and more! Perfect for if you don’t have the time yourself to be on social media to support your work! Below is a list of the current promotional options that are available. Please look them over, and the accompanying information. Feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have, or request a promotion at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com.
-Promotion #1: “Day”
A “Day” promotion will be created for your work, which will feature posts on our social media network. The promotion may focus on the most important aspects of your work, and may include pictures and/or videos that you supply us with. It may also be used if you are having a special sale, or event going on. It may also include links to your site, and social media accounts. Your promotion will be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 5 tweets (Over the course of 24 hours)
Facebook: 1 share on our page (Over the course of 24 hours)
Instagram: 1 shares (Over the course of 24 hours)
Price: 2.99 per day
*Please give us as much advance notice as possible in order to prepare for the promotion. Also, no more than 3 “Day Promotions” can be purchased in a row. If you need more than 3 days in a row, please check out our “Week,” or “Twitter” promotions.
-Promotion #2: “Featured Promotion for a Week”
A “Featured Promotion for a Week” will be created for your work, which will be posted on the main page of our site. The promotion may focus on the most important aspects of your work, and may include pictures and/or videos that you supply us with. It may also include links to your site, and social media accounts. Your promotion will be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 35 tweets (5 on the day of the promotion, 30 over the next 6 days)
Facebook: 4 shares on our page (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days)
Instagram: 4 shares (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days
Price: $22.99
-Promotion #3: “Featured Promotion for a Month”
A “Featured Promotion for a Month” will be created for your work, which will be posted on the main page of our site. The promotion may focus on the most important aspects of your work, and may include pictures and/or videos that you supply us with. It may also include links to your site, and social media accounts. It may remain on our main page for at least a week, but we will share your promotion for four weeks! Your promotion will be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Week 1:
Twitter: 35 tweets (5 on the day of the promotion, 30 over the next 6 days)
Facebook: 4 shares on our page (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days)
Instagram: 4 shares (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days)
Week 2:
Twitter: 30 tweets
Facebook: 3 shares
Instagram: 3 shares
Week 3:
Twitter: 15 tweets
Facebook: 2 shares
Instagram: 2 shares
Week 4:
Twitter: 10 tweets
Facebook: 1 shares
Instagram: 1 shares
Price: $44.99
Promotion #4: “Featured Promotion for a Month w/ Video”
A “Featured Promotion for a Month w Video” will be created for your work, which will be posted on the main page of our site. The promotion may focus on the most important aspects of your work, and may include pictures and/or videos that you supply us with. It may also include links to your site, and social media accounts. It may remain on our main page for at least a week, but we will share your promotion for four weeks! Unique to this promotion is that we will create a 15-30 second short video to be included in our social media shares of your work. The video may also be loaded onto our YouTube channel, and become part of our videos on the channel. Please note that in order to do the video you must have enough pictures for us to create the video. This maybe anywhere between 7-10, and we may have to alter them in some way to fit the video format. Your promotion will be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Week 1:
Twitter: 35 tweets (5 on the day of the promotion, 30 over the next 6 days)
Facebook: 4 shares on our page (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days)
Instagram: 4 shares (1 on the day of the promotion, 3 over the next 6 days)
Week 2:
Twitter: 30 tweets
Facebook: 3 shares
Instagram: 3 shares
Week 3:
Twitter: 15 tweets
Facebook: 2 shares
Instagram: 2 shares
Week 4:
Twitter: 10 tweets
Facebook: 1 shares
Instagram: 1 shares
Price: $54.99
Promotion #5: “Twitter”
The “Twitter” promotion is designed for those who don’t have the time to tweet, or are looking to reach a new audience of horror fans on Twitter. We will do a special tweet(s) about your work over a week’s time. Each tweet may be different in some manner, and try to focus on making our Twitter followers aware of your work. You can also submit your own tweet(s) for us to share. Your work will be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 25 tweets over 7 days
Facebook: 1 share on our page in 7 days
Instagram: 1 share in 7 days
Price: $11.99
Promotion #6: “Ad”
Rent “Ad” space on our site featuring a picture/logo of your work along with a link to it. The space runs along the side of our site, and will be seen on the pages as well. The rental runs a months time (30 days). Your work will also be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 8 tweets over 30 days
Facebook: 4 shares on our page over 30 days
Instagram: 4 shares over 30 days
Price: $7.99
Promotion #7: “Pages”
Have your work listed on one of our pages for a month (30 days). Visitors to the page will see your work with an important link to your site. Each page is done differently depending on the page and what your work is about. Think of it as a mini-promotion. The current pages on the site include, “Artists,” “Blogs/Sites,” “Books,” “Charity,” “Conventions,” “Crowdfunding,” “Podcasts,” and “Watch Horror Now.” A “Halloween Events” page will go live once we get closer to that time of year. Please note the Conventions, Charity, and Halloween Events pages are free. Your work will also be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 4 tweets over 30 days
Facebook: 2 shares on our page over 30 days
Instagram: 2 shares over 30 days
Additionally the pages themselves are shared on our network at random.
Price: $5.99
Promotion #8: “Sunday Scares”
The “Sunday Scares” promotion is specially made for YouTube/Vimeo filmmakers. We will host your film on the Sunday Scares section of our site on a Sunday. We may share basic information about your film, such as actors, directors, etc., and any important links and social media accounts related to the film. In order to show your film, it can’t be password protected. Your work will also be shared on our social media network in the following ways:
Twitter: 10 tweets (5 on the day of the promotion, 5 more on the following Sunday)
Facebook: 2 shares on our page (1 on the day of the promotion, 1 on the following Sunday)
Instagram: 2 shares (1 on the day of the promotion, 1 on the following Sunday)
Multiple more times on Twitter on Sundays after the promotion official ends
Price: $1.99
Request A Promotion:
If you’re interested in one or more of the available promotional options above, please email us at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com. Please include which option you are interested in, and what it is that you need promoted. If your work fits the theme of the site, we will send you an invoice via PayPal. Our prices are expected to rise in the near future so please take advantage of them now! Please feel free to ask any questions about the promotions that you’re interested in. Also, please read the “Please Note” section below carefully.
Free Services:
Press Releases: Press releases are welcomed and will be posted on the main page of our site. Please send them to HorrO@PromoteHorror.com, and include at least one picture (that you have rights to & we can share) with the release. We have final say if the press release fits the theme of the site, and can be posted.
Reviews: HorrO’s Gory Reviews is the official movie review blog for PromoteHorror.com. Reviews will be posted on the blog, not PromoteHorror.com. However, the reviews will be shared on the social media accounts of both the blog and site. Please remember that reviews will be done honestly regardless of any promotions you may need. Sorry no book reviews at this time.
Interviews (on hold for now): We would welcome a chance to interview you about your work. Interviews are available preferably by email, but we’re open to other methods like Zoom if necessary. If interested, please email us at HorrO@PromoteHorror.com to discuss an interview possibility.
For Conventions/Festivals: We’re willing to entertain cross-promotional and/or sponsorship opportunities with your con/fest. We can help share your search for films, sponsors, vendors, and promote your guest list. If you have a film festival and interested in sponsorship opportunities with us, we would be happy to include some of our promotions for winners of your festivals as an added perk. Please contact us if you’re interested.
Other: If there is any other way you believe we can help, or want an expansion of any of the above promotions, please feel free to ask.
**Please Note:
-Requirements for a promotion are that the subject matter be horror related, which may include sci-fi. We reserve the right to refuse doing a promotion because we feel it does not fit our site, and what we are comfortable promoting.
-Please be aware that promotions are for the purpose of making people aware of your work through our social media network. We aren’t giving our personal recommendation/opinion of your work, or making any guarantees.
-By agreeing to a promotion, you agree to let us use any information, pictures, and/or video found on your website, social media, or any other source you might direct us to in order to obtain information for the promotion.
-By agreeing to a promotion, you agree that we have final say on the promotion, and how it appears on our site. Of course if any information is incorrect, we will work to correct it as soon as possible.
-Payment must be made before we begin working on your promotion.
-Promotions will be done in the order that they are requested AND paid for. If you need a promotion on or before a certain date, please let us know first to ensure that we can meet your deadline.
-Prices are subject to change, especially closer to Halloween so sign up for a promotion as soon as possible.
More About Us:
We’ve had the pleasure of promoting horror since 2011, and have come along way. While we’re proud of all of our promotions, we’re trilled to have been a part of promoting “Penny Dreadful” on Showtime, running contests for screening passes to movies like “Halloween” and “Happy Death Day,” and supporting magazines such as Girls and Corpses, and Scream. We held our second annual SFX Horror Makeup Contest, and plan on bringing it back for a 3rd time! We’ve been a proud sponsor of the Popcorn Frights Film Festival since their start, did one of our biggest promotions for Fannibal Fest, and sponsored 4 film festivals in 2019. While we’ve promoted horror from all over the world, we’re especially excited to have had the opportunity to travel to Mexico, and do a feature on Day of the Dead. We continue to look forward to bigger and better things in the future, as we continue to support and spread the horror!
From @ScreamHorrorMag “Last big shout out goes to our friends @PromoteHorror – they do such a great job in promoting everything #HORROR, make sure you follow them!”
From @TriodeDio “You are delivering consistently outstanding titles to horror fans worldwide. This is the second book we’ve bought from your listing. Keep spreadin’ the horror! Thank you from Mojo Rising.
From @Bill_Kieffer_NJ: “Hey, these ghouls gave me a lot of bang for my buck!”
From @lennylasher “Holy smokes! @PromoteHorror went above and beyond and did a write up for my “Death Head Valley” as well as Headcase. So cool! I hope everyone who checks it out enjoys it!”
From @MonsterManiaCon “Thank you to @PromoteHorror for all your help promoting @MonsterManiaCon #grateful”
From @GNHorror “Promote Horror does a sterling job as one of Horror’s Standard Bearers”
From @JokersWild420: “I’ve never meet him but I really look forward to it after seeing you guys promote it I’m locked in on going”
From @TheUntoldComic: “Want to say a huge thanks to @PromoteHorror who has managed to get us 2 backers from the website!!”
From @Greyflank “Thank you for such a great job on the promotion. The Facebook page for THE GOAT is showing a 700% increase in visits!”
Click here to read what author Linda Scarlett had to say about us!