Short Film Patria Needs Your Support

“PATRIA” is a short crime film written and directed by Alejandro Lobo, graduated in Audiovisual Communication, with a Screenplay Master, and financed with the help of RNE.

Carlos and Luis, two agents of the National Police Corps who guarded an old judicial deposit, were about to closing the audience when Ioan appeared to disturb his tranquility.

“Patria” is a short film based on an idea written by Sevillian director Alejandro Lobo, inspired by real events that took place in Madrid in September 2011, when Ioan Clamparu, one of the most wanted pimps of Europe, toeverybody’s surprise, decided to surrender voluntarily in a police station “tired of being persecuted for half of the world, “as he said himself. This criminal of Romanian origin had been hidden for seven years, fearing identified by the neighbors of the area where he appeared to be an honest family man.

The cast features Juan Motilla (“El niño”, “Miel de Naranjas”) and Fernando Tielve (“Seis puntos sobre Emma”, “El espinazo del diablo”), that give life in the silver screen to Carlos and Luis, two agents of the National Police Body that have to face the capture of a dangerous offender played by Serbian actor Darko Peric (“Mar de plástico”,” A perfect day “). They are the protagonists of “Patria”, the new short film by the Sevillian director Alejandro Lobo, after the success of his previous work “Pura (hasta la sepoltura)”, awarded the First Prize in the VIII RNE Short Film Contest and the Earth Snail at the 14th Contest of Short Films by Caracoles.

The short film team is integrated by professionals of first level within the Spanish audiovisual panorama, among them, the musician Sergio Moure de Oteyza (“El cuerpo”), the colorful Israel Millán (“El hombre de las mil caras “), art director Ángela Guerrero (” Game of Thrones “), cinematographer Antonio Santos (” El mundo es nuestro”), sound technician Carlos Ruiz (” Hubo un lugar”), make-up artist Jénnifer Cabello (” Air “) or the Special effects coordinator Fidel Pérez (“Tres días”).

“Patria” is a reality, the film is already filmed. Right now we are in the process of postproduction. We need to get € 3,000 and we have only 40 days to achieve our goal. This amount of money will give us the possibility of finishing the film with the highest quality. With the money we can complete a vital process where we add the special effects and sound to give the better finish and more realism to the images. For that we have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Verkami platform.

Here is the link where you can see all the information about our patronage campaign.

Fernando Tielve invite you to collaborate with the crowdfunding campaign of Patria –

How can you help us?

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