Nazi-themed Horror Film The House to be Released on DVD and VOD
A Psychological Ghost Tale from the Director of Christmas Blood
Artsploitation Films will release Norwegian director Reinert (Christmas Blood) Kiil’s horror film The House (original language title, Huset) March 5th. Artsploitaiton Films’ president Raymond Murray said, “It may have taken a few years for the film to get to American audiences but I am sure horror fans as well as arthouse film-lovers will enjoy this creepy, thought-provoking ghost story.”
“Fantastic..this is a horror film that does Norway justice.” – Modern Horrors
“Destined for “insta-classic” status” – HorrorFreakNews
Set in the frozen wilderness of Norway during WWII, 2 German soldiers escort a Norwegian soldier and prisoner of war but the weather is taking a toll on them. They find an empty house near the forest where they finally can get some rest. However, what seems to be a warm and welcoming shelter turns much more sinister and deadly. They begin to wonder if they have somehow have stepped into a sort of psychological hell from which there may be no escape.
The House will be available March 5th on DVD and Digital HD, including iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play, Vudu and more.
Title: The House (original title, Huset); Director: Reinert Kiil; Country: Norway; Year: 2016; Running Time: 88 minutes; Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1; Language: English, German & Norwegian with English subtitles; Aspect Ratio: 2.35:
1; UPC: 851597006711
Special Features: The Voice of One’s Conscience (Samvittighetens Røst) (2007, 12 minutes), a short film directed by Reinert Kiil: and commentary with director Reinert Kiil
The House – Trailer from artsploitation on Vimeo.