As you may know, February is “Women in Horror” month. To celebrate, asked women from different professions if they would like to answer some questions about being a “Woman in Horror,” and more. One of those women, who was kind enough to answer our questions, was actress, and horror host Jennifer Nangle. Lets see what she said about being a “Woman in Horror”…
-PH: When did you first become a horror fan?
-Jennifer: When I was young, about six or seven. It was hot, humid evening in the summer time where we all camped out in the living room since that was the only air conditioned room. My dad said he was going to watch a scary movie and I should go to sleep and not watch because I’ll be scared. I didn’t listen. We watched “The Gate”. All night long I thought scary little creature men were going to come out of our garden in the backyard and come and get me! I was terrified! And hooked!
-PH: Was there a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to go from being a fan of horror to a woman who contributes to the genre, or did it just kind of happen naturally?
-Jennifer: When I started to self produce, I started out on a comedy webseries. Peers challenged me to a more serious route. I did a drama, but found it unfulfilling. I always loved horror, but was always nervous to take it on because I didn’t know if I could do it justice. I took what I knew: Salem Witch Trails, living in a haunted house, and Paranormal. All this made up “Demonic Attachment”, the first horror short I wrote and starred in. Since then, I’ve gotten darker.
-PH: What does having a “Women in Horror” month mean to you?
-Jennifer: A celebration of hard work, inspiration, and equality in work.
-PH: Is there a woman in horror who you consider a role model?
-Jennifer: Maila Nurmi (Vampira). She had an idea. She went after that idea. She did the best she could with what she had and gave every ounce of her being to doing what she loved. That is so powerful. She deserved better.
-PH: How do you think the role of women in horror has changed over the years?
-Jennifer: We’re no longer the damsel in distress. We may still be the “final girl”, but now we’re fighting back. AND we’re the ones that may even start the fight! Masked Serial Killer isn’t just for guys any more. Killers are taking on so many different identities and come in all shapes and sizes now! I love it all!
-PH: What do you think the future holds for women in horror?
-Jennifer: I think we’re on the rise. Things are changing…. Slowly, but they are changing. Women are supporting and pulling for other women! It’s amazing! The sky is the limit!
-PH: If you could serve a role in horror that you’ve never done, what would it be?
-Jennifer: SFX artist. I LOVE make up! But what some people can create out of latex and tissues is INSANE! If I weren’t an actress, I’d definitely do SFX.
-PH: Who is your favorite final girl, and favorite female villain?
-Jennifer: Julie James (I Know What You Did Last Summer)
Jennifer (Jennifer’s Body)
-PH: Being that this is, please feel free to plug your current/next horror project.
-Jennifer: Malvolia: the Queen of Screams has SO much in the works (Numerous Anthologies, 10/31 Part 2 is coming back, my series on my channel and on Morbidly Beautiful…) Also, my horror short “THAT NIGHT” was released last week and it is being called by numerous bloggers and reviews my “best performance to date!” You can check that out on my personal youtube channel: I’m attached to a couple features as well, so this year is going to be a wild ride!
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We would like to thank Jennifer Nangle for taking the time to answer our questions, but more importantly for her contribution to horror!