Hi all you Promotehorror.com readers out there! Hope you are ready for a real throwback creature horror in the spirit of “Jaws”, “Jurassic Park” and “Stranger Things”. It’s been a dream of mine since I was 6 years old and saw the anime Silver Fang for the first time, and has since that moment been trying to bring a bear like that alive in a snow setting.
Our plan was to make this into a feature film with a world wide release, but we only had time to make the first 20 min before Covid came and shut us down. So we decided to make a kick-ass short out of this and release it as a first chapter for free for all the fans around the world that contact me everyday about the films release. Can’t hold them off any longer. So here it is for free on youtube for the fans out there.
We filmed this in the north of Sweden last year and the legendary Vernon Wells (Mad Max, Commando) joined us in the snow and did all his own stunts (the man is 74!) To have a man that almost killed my idols Mel Gibson and Arnold Schwarzenegger take on a 5 meter bear is something of a wet dream of mine of course.
It’s a co-production between my own company Paar Productions and Hammarström Agency with Fia Hammarström Producing.
Premieres December 18th at 6pm