British monster movie ‘The Encounter At Boundless’ has roared onto screens worldwide thanks to distributor Omeleto and the film has enjoyed a bumper start to life in the world, notching up over 50,000 views in its first weekend of release.
‘It’s been brilliant To see so many people enjoying our story and connecting with our characters’ says Director Adam Spinks…. ‘to have people asking what happens next and whether there’ll be a part 2 is thrilling and we’re excited to revisit this world one day if we can!’
Produced entirely during the COVID19 Pandemic, The Encounter At Boundless is the story of a Father and his estranged children as they spend a weekend away together to try to heal old wounds and find some common ground but as the day shifts into night, it becomes clear that something else is out there… something monstrous.
‘It’s always nerve wracking to share your film with an audience, so I’m ecstatic that the response has been so positive. I’m blown away! I’m so proud to have been a part of this project and I’m excited for what happens next’ says Natasha Branson, of Mordue Pictures.
The Encounter At Boundless stars Adrian Annis (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and Winston Ellis (The Dark Knight, Pirates Of The Caribbean) alongside Ashley Oliver, Kyla Heselton and Nathan Horrod.
‘It’s fantastic to see the film getting such a fantastic reaction from viewers, and that they’re hungry for more, especially after the hard work all our dedicated cast, crew and everyone who has been involved with the project put in to make it such a success’, says producer Sam Palmer of Copper Productions. ‘It was such an awesome experience to make this film and it’s even more exciting to be able to share that with audiences across the world’
“I’m pretty overwhelmed at the sheer volume of positivity that Encounter At Boundless has received’ says writer Thérésa Hedges, ‘It’s a privilege to have been a part of a project that continues to reach out globally and elicit so much response from viewers. And of course, it’s every writer’s dream to leave their audience demanding more!”
The Encounter At Boundless is produced by Initiative Motion Pictures, Mordue Pictures and Copper Productions and you can find the film on social media at: