Black Mandala presents the sci-fi horror thriller, “MAR.IA”, directed by Gabriel Grieco and Nicanor Loreti. This story, which talks about the consequences of AI, was presented at several festivals, “Sitges” (Spain), “FrightFest” (UK), “Trieste Science+Fiction Festival” (Italy), “Night Visions” (Finland); and won the award for BEST FILM at the “Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre”; BEST DIRECTOR at CineFantasy (Brazil), and BEST PROJECT at “Blood Window”, Ventana Sur.
Maria Black is the biggest porn star in 2024. When she falls into a coma after a car crash, her medical outlook is dim. Then her body disappears from the hospital, media speculation is rife but soon the news cycle moves on. Until 2027 when it seems Maria has been reborn and is anxious to resume her XXX film career. Director Dario George wants her to appear in his new production but when she tragically dies mid-shoot, hatches a shocking plan to cover up the accident. However, Maria is now part of “The Metropolis Project” and is out for revenge.
Directors: Gabriel Grieco / Nicanor Loreti
Script: Nicanor Loreti
Cast: Sofia Gala Castiglione, Malena Sanchez, Juan Palomino, Daria Panchenko, Andrea Rincón, Magui Bravi, Demian Salomon, Ezequiel Rodriguez, Sergio Boris, Ezequiel De Almeida, William Prociuk, Clara Kovacic, Megan McGarrah, Juan Bautista Stagnaro
Cinematography: Mariano Suárez
Music: Diego Hensel
Producers: Gabriel Lahaye, Gabriel Grieco, Jorge Poleri