New England filmmaker, Geno McGahee, is known for his SCARY TALES franchise, beginning with his 2008 original SCARY TALES, followed by SCARY TALES: LAST STOP, SCARY TALES: DEAD ZONE and the upcoming October release, SCARY TALES: DARK WALKER. The interest in the series has led McGahee to release a series, featuring 8 episodes in season one and the same expected for season two, which is currently in development.

McGahee noted that “my anthology films have really taken off and it has led me to this decision to start a series. I’ve always been a fan of shows like TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE and TALES FROM THE CRYPT and I’m hoping to produce something similar with my own creations coming to life and entertaining the audience.”

SCARY TALES: THE SERIES has just hit TUBI and is already getting a lot of viewership, staying true to the success of the franchise. It is a binge-worthy 8 episode horror/sci-fi series from Xposse Productions and distributed by Cinema Epoch and Cineridge Entertainment. The show is produced by Geno McGahee, Gregory Hatanaka, Rick Caride and Matt Hebert. It will be rolled out into more platforms in the fall.

In other news, the highly-anticipated film “A MAN IS DEAD” has been announced and is in production, featuring Warren Hong as a man that has had enough after being beaten down by some unsavory criminals. When the law doesn’t work, vigilante justice must prevail and this throwback to DEATH WISH is creating quite a buzz with stars such as Lisa London, Joycelyne Lew, Saint Heart, Louis DeStefano, Johnny Mask, Chris Spinelli, Nicole D’Angelo and Wendy Winters making up part of the cast. From Writer/Director Gregory Hatanaka, A MAN IS DEAD is a great reflection of the crime wave that has taken over many communities and what it can do when one man is pushed too far. This film will be released by Cinema Epoch and is a Cineridge Entertainment Production.

Other titles to look out for in the coming weeks and months are GIRL UPSTAIRS, AMERICAN WEREWOLF, SCARY TALES: DARK WALKER and DEMON SPAWN from director Rob Roy (Lycan Colony).


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