A psychological thriller starring Casey Affleck and Laurence Fishburne, SLINGSHOT follows an elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn’s moon Titan. As the team gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot maneuver that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space, it becomes increasingly difficult for one astronaut to maintain his grip on reality.
Directed by: Mikael Häfström (1408)
Cast: Casey Affleck, Laurence Fishburne, Emily Beecham, Tomer Capone, David Morrissey
Written by: R. Scott Adams and Nathan Parker Producers: Richard Saperstein, Istan Major, and Beau Turpin
Executive Producers: Ivett Havasi, Shara Kay, Michael Hollingsworth, Tom Nohstadt, Ron Cundy, Nikolett Barabás, Jonathan Krauss, Brooklyn Weaver, and Joanna Plafsky