Provocative web series “FEAR” explores the ghosts of NYC


President Franklin Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”  FEAR, a new horror web series, aims to change that. Interweaving different styles of the horror genre and exploring macabre New York City history, FEAR is a notable new example of DIY Filmmaking.

“Everything is about telling the best story you can,” creator Devon Talbott asserts. “Manhattan’s history is full of strange and dark events. That was what inspired our story”.  FEAR’s plot revolves around the “House of Death” in Greenwich Village- and actual apartment complex that has been purported to be haunted for decades. Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America, enthusiastically endorsed the series, saying,

“FEAR is one of the most beautifully produced web series yet seen in the genre – and as a work of suspense it deserves that overused but in this case richly deserved appellation: Hitchcockian. Oh, and I did I mention that it’s scary as hell? A hugely satisfying work of fact-based horror and a breakthrough in the maturation of the web series field.” 
“The history of this city provides a lot of inspiration- from Helena Blavatsky, the Theosophical Society, to the actual apartment building the series forces on. I live two streets away from the real Greenwich Village House of Death- purported to be one of the most haunted places in Manhattan,” says creator Devon Talbott.

Award-winning author Mitch Horowitz has this to say about FEAR: 

“FEAR is one of the most beautifully produced web series yet seen in the genre – and as a work of suspense it deserves that overused but in this case richly deserved appellation: Hitchcockian. Oh, and I did I mention that it’s scary as hell? A hugely satisfying work of fact-based horror and a breakthrough in the maturation of the web series field.” 

–Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America

In length and quality, FEAR shares more with a season of a television show as opposed to what is commonly associated with a web series. A crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo runs from July 22 to Aug  22, 2016.

Link to campaign:


“The goal is to scare and surprise the audience with a great story, filmed and produced with professional quality. We are filming in 4K, which helps us create some great special effects. Another aim is to provide talented and experienced actors to play a role that they will shine in. And we have a talented and devoted team of actors and crew. I wanted to give actors an opportunity to shine in roles they may not have the chance to normally audition for- to tell the story of a character that is perfect for them.  Another goal was to deliver intelligent horror, explore and deconstruct the tropes of the genre.”

Devon Talbott is an actor, filmmaker and voice over artist in New York City. An honors graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and a member of AEA, he has performed alongside such talent as Patrick Swayze, Kathleen Chalfant, and other dedicated artists. He has worked as an actor in every medium, from films, Nickelodeon TV shows, Off Broadway, and animated, commercial, and audiobook voiceover.


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