Nautical Films Presents…
Nothing bad can happen if you stay home alone… right?
Starring: Olivia Koukol, and Alex Oechsel
Directed and written by: Ryan Sheets
Assistant Director: Josh Garrett
Boom Ops: Ben Carter and Alex Oechsel
Makeup Artist: Allie Moburg
Music by: Triune Sound & Charles Zimmerman
Breathing Woman Sound Effect by: Distorted Room
Now it’s time to enjoy this thrilling short horror film…
Background on the film:
The film was shot in November of 2016 as the final project of Ryan Sheets’ college career at Ball State University. It was shot in just two days on no budget using a Canon 70D. The idea was just to make a simple haunted house story in a regular house which everyone can relate to. The film stars Olivia Koukol, a Ball State musical theater actress, and Alex Oechsel, a fellow TCOM student and actress. The film has been entered into multiple film festivals including iHorror (which it just got accepted to) and Chicago Horror Film Festival, and is awaiting response on acceptance.
More short horror films from Nautical Films like “The Pumpkin Man” can be found here!
You can also find them at:
And don’t forget to follow director and writer Ryan Sheets on Twitter, and Instagram!