Become a DEIMOSIMINE Addict With New Trailer and Stills
The story of making DEIMOSIMINE from LC Films is one for the books. After many delays, recasting of lead actress with only seven days left of shooting, and disagreements on creature designs, Deimosimine is finally well on it’s way to completion. LC Films has released new stills and a two minute trailer featuring some new and re-shot footage.
Deimosimine is scheduled for a late 2017 release date on major VOD and retail BluRay/DVD while crowd funding contributors and pre-orders that were taken to help fund the film will be shipping much sooner. With the re-casting of the lead actress so late in principle photography it has caused costly re-shoots, delays, but at the same time will, in the long run, make the film “even better”. Here’s what director Chad Armstrong had to say:
“While it is unfortunate we lost a great lead actress so late in production, which is not fault of anyone’s, which caused major delays, re-scheduling, and expensive re-shoots, we looked at this as an opportunity to take some of what we have already shot, and do it better than the first time around. This will enhance the visuals with more gore that will be pushing all the kills scene’s to a new, gorier level.
We are still not out of the woods, these FX and creatures costs a lot of money the first time around and to re-do them we have to double down. We are currently seeking a mini-investor which we can guarantee to double their investment within 18 months after the release of the film, we also have a new crowdfunding site up to raise money for the re-shoots and to get the out-of-state actors back in town to re-shoot these key scenes. These two actors bring so much to the film that we can not re-cast them.”
“We appreciate all past and future contributors for their patients and we promise this will be a film they are proud to have been apart of and supported. Everyone who has contributed by either pre-ordering, or on our original indiegogo campaign will be reimbursed from the revenue of the film, the producers nor myself will not be getting paid from the film until all cast, crew, and contributors are paid accordingly.”
If you are interested in becoming a mini-investor contact or if you want to pre-order the limited edition BluRay or DVD that wont be available anywhere else and to see it before anyone else, head on over to
The film stars Cassidy Balkcom (The Walking Dead, 24: Legacy), Alex Zuko (The Atoning, Graceland, Match), Leah Hedspeth, Scott David, Tom Hagale, Richard Chandler (Gilgamesh, Lilth Trilogy), Portia Chellelynn (Candie’s Harem, Cellar Secret), and Jim O’Rear (Don’t Look In The Basement 2, Hospital 1&2, Nightblade)
Creature FX by Dennis Preston and Makeup FX by Tara Gallaway
Directed by Chad Armstrong Written and Produced by Andrew Thompson
To become a Deimosimine Addict request to be added to the closed facebook group for Behind the scenes photos, live set videos,