In this Twilight Zone-inspired thriller, Alice and her two sons flee their home in the middle of the night. At an old desert motel, echoes of the past loom, and a dark, twisted power takes control.


Austin Highsmith, Nolan Gross, Noah Swindle, Carter Jenkins, Jake Muxworthy, Virginia Tucker, and Ron Harper

Directed by:

Emily Moss Wilson

Written by:

Larry Soileau, and Emily Moss Wilson

Described as…

“Suspenseful, engaging, great characters, an amazing ode to the Twilight Zone era of storytelling. A must watch.”

Drink is an assured and well-made short. Director Emily Moss Wilson seems at ease at nearly every moment of the film’s 23 minute duration. Nothing feels forced and the production values and acting are quite impressive. Subtle music and appropriate pacing enhance a story that could go south at any moment, but never does. The relatively slow pacing allows for mysteriousness and tension without giving in to cheap scares. I can’t imagine anyone finding much to dislike about Drink, and I recommend it to those looking for a well-done short. While I wasn’t particularly frightened at any point, I was on edge and never sure what exactly would happen next. Highly recommended.”

“Really felt like a Twilight Zone episode! The actors were fantastic and it kept me on the edge of my seat.”

“As far as I’m concerned DRINK delivers. I was rivited to the screen the whole time. The production value is fantastic, the acting is great, the visuals are appropriately unsettling at times. I completely bought into the world that Wilson and her team created. This might be one of the best shorts I’ve seen.”

“The narrative, the cinematography, the post production… everything is amazing! this is by far one of the BEST shorts I have seen. I’m blown away. Good job.”

“This is the best short film i’ve seen. love the dark plots. keep up the good work!!”

“Absolutely amazing. Might be the best psychological short I’ve ever seen”

“This is amazing! I aspire to create films like this! Amazing idea and concept! So creative and well done!!!!”

Now it’s your turn to see why people are raving about this short film!

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