Ho Ho Ho! Schlock and Grindhouse this Christmas! From the producers of “Grindsploitation” and “The 12 Slays of Christmas”, Tony Newton and Paul Wennersberg-Løvholen, now comes “O’ Bloody Night”, now available on video-on-demand courtesy of Troma Now.
Featuring, among others: Richard Chandler, Kim Sønderholm, Daiane Azura, Luc Bernier, Krister Twizz Forsberg, Eske Skafsgaard Hjorth and many, many others. Participating directors are: Jason Impey, Eskild Krogh, Alain Juteau, Noel J. Rainford, Alan Watkins, Luc Bernier, Krister Twizz Forsberg and Tony Newton.
“O’ Bloody Night” is an anthology of Christmas themed short stories you definitely shouldn’t miss out on, check “O’ Bloody Night” now available at https://troma.vhx.tv/new-this-month/videos/obloodynight
For more detailed information, please look up https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6326340/