Apotheosis Productions presents from the deranged mind of writer and director Balraj Kang, the splatterspolitation slasher horror scarefest: Mother Mortis.
“Move over Myers! Goodnight Freddy! Sayonara Jason! There’s a new maniac in town – MOTHER MORTIS! Apotheosis Productions presents a new breed of Video Nasty Splattersploitation Horror coming soon on Troma Now, Dark Hollow Home Video and Amazon Prime” – Balraj Kang (Writer/Director – Mother Mortis).
When a deranged transvestite serial killer Mother Mortis (played by Jay Addamz) and his satanic cult led by his true mother ancient witch, Julia Von Eric (played by Kathy Griffiths) embark on a rampage of torture, death and bizarre sexual rituals in a bid to summon the interdimensional shit demon Yig-Naggoth to devour this universe – Only a rag-tag group of survivors can save us from eternal defecation!
Led by none other than Nomi Lucien (played by Holly Laura Platt) the sister of Mother Mortis. Together can our unlikely band of misfits put a stop to Mother Mortis and her murderous reigh of death, depravity and terror!
Mother Mortis streaming in TromaNow and will be available on several formats this May.
DVD/Blue-Ray/VHS by Dark Hollow Home Media in North America (USA/Canada) DVD under Apotheosis Productions for UK/EU/Asia