“The Village Green” A Dark Comedy from Red Owl Films



Red Owl presents the dark comedy, “THE VILLAGE GREEN”, directed by Kelly Paoli and Tanner Zurkoski. The story follows the a cast of characters as they attempt to return their city to its once-prosperous state, while facing the inevitable difficulties of trying to illegally “quick fix” the problems.

The rural town of St. Maurice is going through an economic crisis. Worn-down farms and businesses face foreclosure, and townspeople fear for the place they call home. Until the only police officer in town stumbles upon a bag of marijuana seeds and proposes an idea. He enlists the help of the parish priest and mayor to convince the conservative rural community to grow the seeds into a cash crop that will save them from losing their homes and livelihoods.

Directors: Kelly Paoli and Tanner Zurkoski

Script: Adrian Burke, Colin Munch, Kelly Paoli, Tanner Zurkoski

Cast: Amanda Cordner, Tony Nash, Brian Scott Carleton, Ty Phoenix Simpson, Ann Smith, Sheri Godda, Peter Mazzucco

Cinematography: Cameron Bryson, Rodrigo Michelangeli

Music: Spencer Creaghan, Milen Petzelt-Sorace

Producers: Kelly Paoli, Gina Simone, Tanner Zurkoski

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