GoatSucker is one of Big Biting Pig Productions early movies. It was originally released on DVD in 2009 but has recently been remastered and has been released streaming world wide on Amazon Prime!
GoatSucker is written and directed by Steve Hudgins.
Rogue Cinema calls Hudgins “… the low budget version of M. Night Shyamalan!”
His other movies include, It Lives in the Attic, The Caretakers, Spirit Stalkers, Hell is Full & Maniac on the Loose.
GOATSUCKER – Description: A touristy hiking company creates a “GoatSucker” hiking tour to cash in on alleged sightings of a creature known as El Chupacabra, spanish for The GoatSucker. The pleasant hike turns into a nightmare when disturbing events cause the group to suspect the GoatSucker may be more than just a legend.
You can view GOATUCKER on Amazon for free if you have a prime subscription.
AMAZON (USA): http://amzn.to/2CMl6KI
AMAZON (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/GoatSucker-Randy-Hardesty/dp/B0788W72J1
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