In this fictional, true crime style mockumentary film, we explore the unnerving tale of three young men who inexplicably go missing, while out on their annual winter holiday in the remote hills of northern Pennsylvania. A myriad of disturbing and eerie clues come too light, but investigators find themselves at a loss. Than, exactly one year later, a dead body is discovered on the very same property that the men disappeared from…but he is not one of the missing trio. The body belongs to that of a man who himself disappeared twelve years prior over a thousand miles away from Pennsylvania. How this gruesome new development links to the trio’s disappearance is unclear.
Over the ensuing years, shocking new revelations are uncovered…but with every new lead, only more questions arise. What exactly happened in the remote woods of Warrensdale in order to give birth to this frightening enigma that stubbornly holds on to it’s dark secrets? Join us as we explore the odyssey that is…The Warrensdale Mystery.
Chris J. Lara, Anthony Serrano, Ollie Torian, Sean Morris, Shawn Shillingford, Bessie Amato, Nikki Hrichak, Julio Rosado, and Elijah Davis
Directed and written by:
Chris J. Lara
Story by:
Chris J. Lara, Ollie Torian, and Anthony Serrano
“This was SO well done! So much to unwrap here”
“Incredible work on research on this”
“This is amazingly well done.”
Watch the film today and
see if you can solve the mystery…
The Warrensdale Mystery is brought to horror fans by…
Penalty Of Death Productions is a small film production company based on the east coast. On this channel we feature original horror, sci-fi and fantasy projects as well as true crime, ARG/Web Series analysis and Internet Mysteries.
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