An Anti-Hero Production is proud to announce its second annual an Anti-Hero Production Genre Fest at Flapper Comedy Club – Burbank. This is a 3-day event lasting from January 27th – 29th 2017.
An Anti-Hero Production Genre Fest focuses on promoting genre films produced around the world – from Horror to Dark Comedy and everything in between. This year’s festival will be showcasing films from USA, Ireland, Philippines, India, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Canada and Israel.
Festival director, Edward Payson, will be hosting the event. Dinner with the Dwyers, The Itch, Book Club, and Pussy, Pussy, Pussy, directed by Edward Payson, will also be screening at the event. Additional films which will be showcased at the event are: All Through the House, Triumph of Time, Nilalang (The Entity), Innocent Sleep, Binaural, Demon Hunter, Shadows Fall, A Different Set of Cards and several other intriguing films that will twist your mind.
Filmmakers and cast members will be attending the event to answer questions regarding the films they were involved with. Come support indie filmmaking while enjoying your weekend by watching outstanding films and networking with filmmakers- all at Burbank’s very own Flappers Comedy Club. Film block prices are $10.00, with a suggested 2 item minimum purchase.
For a detailed list of official film selections and times please visit Flappers Comedy Club’s website:
Friday 27th (Block 1 / 9:30pm) –
Friday 27th (Block 2 / 11:30pm) –
Saturday 28th (Block 3 / 9:30pm) –
Saturday 28th (Block 4 / 11:30pm) –
Sunday 29th (Block 5 / 5pm) –
Sunday 29th (Block 6 / 7pm) –
Sunday 29th (Block 7 / 9pm) –